My hopes are this application will help you to feel great. That it will help you to fight depression without any pills - by keeping record of positive events.
As studies shows, 90 % of long-term happiness is not influenced by the outside world, but by the way our brain processes the world. This application can help you to train optimistic thinking. A simple method lies in recording thee positive experiences that pleased your throughout the day. With this tool, you’ll begin to systematically build optimistic thinking and your life satisfaction will increase. Current scientific research shows optimism and pessimism are not innate, but learnable attitudes. If a person learns to be an optimist, his brain works much better, increasing its creativity, intellect and energy, all thanks to his positive attitude. You can experience significant changes in your life just after 21 days of recording your positive experiences. It will increase your degree of optimism and you’ll become less affected by negative influences.